Treatment for Calluses and corns at Body Zest- Banstead

Calluses and corns are common foot conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. They are thick, hardened areas of skin that develop as a result of repeated friction or pressure. While calluses and corns are not usually a serious medical concern, they can cause foot pain and discomfort, making it difficult to walk or stand for long periods. Fortunately, podiatrists can help treat and manage these conditions.

Who is at risk of calluses and corns?

Anyone can develop calluses or corns, but certain factors can increase the risk. People who spend a lot of time on their feet, wear ill-fitting shoes, or have foot deformities like hammertoes or bunions are more likely to develop calluses or corns. Athletes and dancers who engage in activities that involve repetitive motions of the feet are also at risk. Additionally, individuals with diabetes or poor circulation may be more susceptible to developing calluses or corns.

What does a podiatrist do to treat calluses and corns in the UK?

Our Banstead podiatrist (also known as a chiropodist) is a healthcare professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the feet and lower limbs. Podiatrists in the UK are trained to identify and treat a wide range of foot conditions, including calluses and corns.

At Body Zest- Banstead, we treat calluses and corns by identifying the underlying cause of the problem. This may involve examining the patient's footwear, gait, and foot structure. Once the cause has been identified, our podiatrist can recommend appropriate treatment options.

Treatment for calluses and corns may involve removing the thickened skin using specialized tools. Our podiatrist may also recommend padding or orthotic devices to help redistribute pressure on the affected area.

If you are experiencing foot pain or discomfort as a result of calluses or corns, it is important to seek help. With proper treatment and management, these conditions can be effectively treated, allowing you to return to your daily activities with minimal pain or discomfort. So, if you're in Surrey, UK and looking for a podiatrist to treat your corns and calluses, do not hesitate to book an appointment with us today.